Monday 3/7/2005
Tetsuya Mitsuguchi, “Robots,” Personal Satellite Radios
Tetsuya Mitsuguchi, creator of such unique video games as Space Channel 5 and REZ, explains his game design philosophy. We take a sneak peek at Robots (the new CGI animated feature by the creators of Ice Age), review the latest personal satellite radios, and we take a hard look at Uwe Boll’s career of turning video games into crappy movies. Plus, we have Kevin R.’s Dark Deals, Sarah’s Gems of the Internet, and Kevin P.’s First 50.
Tuesday 3/8/2005
Low-Budget PC, PXL THIS fest, Batmobile
We build the cheapest possible PC that can still capably run Windows XP or Linux — for $112. We also check out the PXL THIS Film Festival for movies made with the Fisher-Price PXL 2000 camera from the 1980s, and Brendan takes a ride in a complete replica of the 1960s TV series Batmobile. Plus,’s Chris Gore reviews this week’s biggest DVD releases, Sarah has a Damn Good Download, and Kevin P. reveals It Came From eBay.
Wednesday 3/9/2005
Game Developers Conference, Ambient Dashboard, Anonymizer
Kevin P. reports gaming news live from the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco. We take a look at the Ambient Dashboard analog indicator device, Kevin R. reviews Anonymizer 2005 in his Dark Tip on surfing anonymously, and we pick our favorites in the current User Created challenge.
Thursday 3/10/2005
Eric Nakamura, Damn Good Download, LAN Party
Eric Nakamura, editor of Giant Robot magazine, shows us some of the latest Japanese collectibles. Sarah tells us about a Damn Good Website, and it’s LAN Party Thursday with our special guest, model Tami Tyson.
Friday 3/11/2005
Theodore Gray, Fave P2P Apps, The Lift
Theodore Gray, columnist for Popular Science Magazine, will demo a spoon-melting experiment live on the show. Kevin R. reveals his top three favorite P2P apps, and our Live Music Friday performer is rock band The Lift.
****** TSS Weekend ******
Saturday 2/12/2005 — 11am ET / 8am PT
Low-Budget PC, PXL THIS fest, Batmobile — 3/8/2005 Show
Sunday 2/13/2005 — 12am ET / 9pm PT
Eric Nakamura, Damn Good Download, LAN Party — 3/10/2005 Show
3am ET / 12am PT
Low-Budget PC, PXL THIS fest, Batmobile — 3/8/2005 Show
11am ET / 8am PT
Game Developers Conference, Ambient Dashboard, Anonymizer — 3/9/2005 Show