People Programming and Podcasts

Another Web TV Show: Command-N!

Amber and Mikey, of Call for Help (Canada) fame, have put together their own weekly web tv show and do a wrap up of the week’s web and technology news wrap up, and called this bouncing baby show Command-N! It looks good so far, and I don’t know how it slipped under my radar, but they’ve already produced three episodes!

You heard me right, three eps, so go ahead and download them and catch up on your viewing! It looks like the TechTV that we all wanted has been all but reborn on the web in the form of online video and podcasting-this is definitely good stuff! Back to Command-N, however, the Amber and Mikey team have been working hard to improve their episodes every week, and it looks like they’ve got it down pat and pretty well refined. The shows are available in quicktime (large and small format) and downloadable directly or via bittorrent. Check out the first three episodes at Amber and Mikey’s respective blogs:

Command-N // Episode 1 – [ Amber’s Blog | Mikey’s Blog ]

Command-N // Episode 2 – [ Amber’s Blog | Mikey’s Blog ]

Command-N // Episode 3 – [ Amber’s Blog | Mikey’s Blog ]

People Programming and Podcasts

Systm // Episodes 1 and 2

If you haven’t checked out Kevin Rose and Dan Huard’s new digs yet, called “Systm,” then you definitely need to. All that time and energy they put into getting the right camera equipment and prepping for it turned out well, and the two episodes available now are absolutely stunning. Kevin’s said several times he believes that IPTV is where it’s at, and the first two episodes of Systm are looking really sharp, well polished, and definitely fun to watch.

Download em via BitTorrent (no hosting these ones guys, they’re way too big. BitTorrent is definitely the way to go to get em), start up your favorite media player and full-screen those puppies. Definitely fun to watch, and educational too. Those two are awesome-someday I’ll be that cool.

Check out the two most recent episodes over at the Systm website and download them in whatever format you choose:
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Weezy & The Swish: Podcast Fever

Looks like the Podcasting meme is taking off! Laura Swisher, everyone’s favorite curly-haired ball of hilarity from Unscrewed, is looking at doing some podcasting of her own with Louise Palanker, a comedian and friend of Laura’s who testified in the Michael Jackson trial.

Not many details right now, but it looks like there might be another podcast to add to the list of regular downloads; and this one might just be your weekly dose of hilarity. Stay tuned!

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People Programming and Podcasts

Kevin Rose to Leave G4 and Attack of the Show!

Well, the final nail has been hammered into the coffin, and it was bound to happen, the only debatable was when. Kevin Rose has officially stated his intention to leave G4 and stop participation in the Screen Savers decendant “Attack of the Show.” In his own words:

After several weeks of lawyer negotations with G4, they have agreed to release me from my contract. Friday May 27th 2005 marks my last day on the G4 network.

Kevin claims to be leaving G4TV to focus on real technology content, which I praise him for: he’s long been the last bastion of tech content in the new network, and having the hopes of TechTV fans to keep good technology television content alive while simultaneously being pulled towards the abyss of horrid television by the G4 programming managers and execs probably got to him, and and it’s an unenviable situation for anyone. Now there’s absolutely no reason to keep watching Attack of the Show, if anyone did in the first place.

It’s also clear that Kevin and the rest of the old TechTV personalities are focusing on bringing their own charm and personality to their own projects; and a lot of them are working on projects that are geared towards the same people who loved TechTV so much, projects like Kevin Rose’s Systm [ ] and Leo Laporte’s This Week In Tech(TWIT) [ ].

But anyway, read more about it at Kevin’s blog, including what you can do to help Kevin succeed at his real heart’s desire, bringing you quality tech content! The details are there, and be sure that all of us here at TechTV Forever are supportive of Kevin’s desire to bring quality tech programming back to whatever airwaves will have it and will be behind him all the way.

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Amber MacArthur Moves Blogs!

Looks like Amber is switching locations on the web! Her old blog that everyone knows was located at Blogger [ ] and it looks like she’s made the decision to switch over to TypePad, and looking at the new site, boy does it make a difference! Check out the new digs:

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Update your bookmarks!

People Programming and Podcasts Sites and Downloads

Revenge of The Screen Savers!

Check it! Patrick Norton, Leo Laporte, and all the tech news and content you’ve come to know and love, all wrapped up in one neat little podcast. What’s it called?

Revenge of The Screen Savers!

Check it out and download the first episode here:
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Excellent title selection, if I do say so myself. Looks like it’s a weekly podcast to be distributed every sunday, and with any luck we should see appearances and contributed content from a variety of our old TechTV friends like Kevin Rose and Laura Burstein! If you haven’t played with podcasting, now’s the time to do it, or just download the mp3s and play them with any normal mp3 player. We’ll get to downloading and maybe create an archive of them, to hopefully save Leo a little bandwidth here and there. More on that coming soon!

People Tips and Tricks

Andy Walker Writes a Book!

Looks like Andy Walker, of Call for Help 2.0 fame, is writing a book on computer security! The book should be geared towards end-users, average people who are concerned about keeping themselves safe online but may not be all into computers or particularly knowledgeable from the getgo. It looks like it has promise, we haven’t seen a book like this since Becky Worley’s Security Alert which I’m sure it still floating around somewhere.

Anyway, check it out, Andy’s got the details!
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Leo Laporte, Patrick Norton, and Kevin Rose…On the Same Team Again?

Please please please let this one be true! It looks like Leo, Pat, and Kevin might collaborate on a podcast together, and I’ll be the first one to tell you, if this is true and the podcasts start flowing, I’ll be the first one to start downloading it. And lucky for all of us, it looks like it might just be at hand:

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I think this could be an excellent step for them all-having the ability to collaborate in their own way and actually do something to contribute to the masses of people who still love them and follow their every move (coughTECHTVFOREVERcough) who really want to see and hear more from them. This is a big deal to people like me, fans and friends alike, who really appreciated their informed tech commentary and knowledge, and very much miss their chemistry and dynamic.

As for them, I know this must be incredibly difficult for them all, what with Kevin still at G4, Leo doing CfH 2.0, and Patrick writing for ZDNet and ExtremeTech, and they’ll likely not see much revenue come into their pockets from doing this, so I have to default to thinking that they’re doing this for the love of technology and the love of their fans and the love of helping people, and that’s something truly amazing and inspiring. You can tell they really loved what they did, and hopefully they’ll love what they do now-especially as much as I know their fanbase will love it themselves.

I suggest everyone out there, when you can, support them in their endeavors to do this, however they make it possible.


Chi-Lan Lieu Leaves G4

So long, farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye. Looks like Chi-Lan is the latest of the TechTV legacy crew to give G4 the old shove and walk out the door. Looks like she’s headed in Cat’s direction and will be a full time tech and gadget columnist for Stuff Magazine, which is probably excellent news for her. Chi-Lan’s sense of humor always showed through more in her wrtiting than in her on-screen presence (although her reviews will be missed) and her blog is a pleasure to read. I’m more than sure she’ll do very well at Stuff Magazine, and people who read Stuff can know they’ll be getting some really good technology news and reporting in their magazine.

Anyway, if you want to keep up with Chi-Lan, she does have a blog [ ] which is where she made the formal announcement:
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Edit: Looks like Chi-Lan isn’t going to be JOINING Cat, per se, but Cat has wrapped up her column series at Stuff and will be leaving the magazine. Shame, but honestly, Cat: can’t you find a regular job? Come on, girl-we know you can!

People Programming and Podcasts

The Broken: Closing In On New Episodes

Looks like the set for The Broken [ ] is complete and they’re moving ahead with taping new episodes! Good news for all of us who love our hacker tips from Ramzi, and appreciate the real tech content that we know Kevin Rose is capable of bringing us.

Check out Kevin Rose’s update on his blog:
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Check out his Moblog for pictures from the new set:
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Cat Schwartz’s Stuff Pics

Well, we all know that our beloved Cat has been doing work for Stuff Magazine [ ] but Cat was so kind as to post the photos from her articles, “Ask The Tech Chick.”

From what I’ve read, a lot of her articles are good, but of course the point of posting pics isn’t to read the article, and well-as they say, pictures speak a thousand words:

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Hot, no?

People Sites and Downloads

Ramzi in the HOOUUUSSEEE!

Okay, sorry for the all-caps article title, but if you’re at all a fan of The Broken [ ] as I most certainly am, you know you’d do well to take your hacker tips from Ramzi.

What’s that you say? Haven’t seen The Broken yet? Head on over and catch up on the episodes; you’ll get the drift.

Anyway, Ramzi himself doesn’t have a blog, but some fans have made one for him, and they’ve been hookin up readers with regular tips and news for a while now. I mean, how can you beat this tagline?

Ramzi and his l33t Hacker tips, Beotch! Hacking with Ramzi! You know me, its Ramzi. Kevin got Blog. I get it too. Word up. Please be noting, that Ramzi (or anyone) can take no responsibility for anything you do with this infomation. Dont break the law. NOTE THIS IS A TRIBUTE SITE!! It doesnt have the Real Ramzi! He Praise him and honor with this Tribute Site. So Relax.

Rock on guys, keepin Ramzi alive. Bookmark this beeyotch:
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People Sites and Downloads

ScopeTech Launch….Today!

According to Dan Huard’s blog:
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ScopeTech launches officially today! The sneak preview last week only really served to whet our appetites, so I for one am more than ready to see how everything pans out and how the site launches. Keep an eye out, something tells me that our friend Foo is going to make good with the tech writing and commentary we know he’s good at now that he’s no longer on-screen.

Some clever people have already figured out how to find it,” eh? Guess that makes us clever! Rock on!

People Programming and Podcasts

SFGate Reviews “Mother of All,” Becky Worley’s New Show!

Looks like Becky Worley’s got the thumbs up from her old hometown on her new show, Mother of All, airing on the National Geographic Channel. She definitely has my thumbs up, so make sure you check your local listings, and tune in for the show in all of it’s glory. I mean, what’s better than our old friend Becky blowing stuff up the way you always knew she wanted to?

Nothing! That’s what!

Check out SFGate’s review:
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People Sites and Downloads

ScopeTech Preview!

Dan Huard’s new project, ScopeTech, hasn’t officially launched yet, but there are a few ways to se the backend and see what the new site is going to look like. A little bird clued me in on some of the details, and for the time being, you can check out some of the features and columns planned for the site by heading over to ScopeTech’s Intelligence page:
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and you can see the featured columns already set for the site’s launch at:
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and the featured columnists (oh to be in THAT list of folks):
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while you’re nosing around, check out the readme:
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and don’t forget that Dan has called for moderators for the ScopeTech forums, if it’s not too late to apply! Check out his blog for more info:
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While you’re nosing around in there, check out some of the other pages that are ready for development; and the cute little roll-over icon in the upper left corner that Dan is using as his site logo. Poke around, but be warned, the site’s not finished yet and I’m sure Dan will have much more info and content when it’s ready to go. Enjoy!

People Programming and Podcasts

Becky Worley’s Website and New Show!

One of my personal favorite TechTV personalities is back on the air doing her own thing, and rightfully hosting her own show this time. As a bonus, she announced she has her own website now as well!

Becky Worley took time out to update the TechTV Forever Yahoogroup [ ] that her new show, Mother of All which will be airing on the National Geographic Channel TONIGHT (8 pm eastern, then the second episode airs immediately afterward at 9pm. There is a Pacific repeat at 8pm Pacific and then the second episode at 9pm Pacific.) so make sure you tune in tonight and check it out!

If you love the show, tell the National Geographic Channel you do, and let them know they’ve hired talent as absolutely wonderful as Becky Worley and that they should keep her and give her a raise. I’m serious! Send em a note at!

Last, but certainly not least, Becky unveiled her new site, which naturally is at:
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So make sure to add it to your bookmarks and poke your head over there for updates! Good luck Becky, break a leg!


Yoshi’s New Project

Looks like Yoshi is on the move again; he still of course maintains his forums over at
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but if you take a peek at the root directory:
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you’ll notice something different going on under the hood!

Yoshi’s modding the web this time, and finally getting around to building his own site, “Mod Times, Where Stock is Not an Option.” Looks good so far, and it looks like the real URL to the project will be:
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so make sure to bookmark it now.

From one of Yoshi’s posts in his forums:
” I talked with my developers this morning.

Looks like the full complete site will take about a month +/- a week. So look for Mid March. We do plan to roll some things out in stages. So you’ll prolly see some changes take place before the entire site is done.

In the meantime please send all content submissions directly to me. This includes pictures for them.

I need to have time to edit and format them.

If it gets submitted sooner, when the new sections are ready we can roll them out with content on them for you.”

Way to go Yoshi! We’re looking forward to the new site and the new digs! It’s about time the master of mods made his own web presence!


Remember Kris Kosach?

She was on TechLive, wasn’t she? Or was it Fresh Gear? I definitely remember her from her days on Audio File. 🙂

I caught her on the Travel Channel a couple of nights ago co-hosting a show called “Travel Gear,” where she demoed and reviewed everything from huge camping tents to land sailing; it was fun and reminded me of the old Fresh Gear feel.

Then I decided to look it up and make sure it wasn’t a fluke, and look what I found:
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She’s definitely over there! Check out her “journal;”
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Looks like she’s keepin the tech dream alive, but in a bigger swath of places than San Fran, I imagine!

People Programming and Podcasts

Chi-Lan Lieu Explains Why You Don’t See Her Anymore

Well well, not only does Chi-Lan have a blog, but she posted a little while ago about why you don’t see much of her in the nook anymore; looks like this is the trend with our geekier friends left at G4, they take to the sidelines in order to have a little more influence on the tech content of the shows, exchanging it for the spotlight that we wish they had.

Kevin Rose did the same thing; traded the primary host slot for more editorial control, and it looks like Chi-Lan is doing the same; and for that I infinitely respect her. The current iteration of TSS isn’t too horrible (in my taste) but I’m glad that Chi-Lan is getting back to what she was absolutely stellar at when she was on Fresh Gear-product reviews and gadget reports. I’m looking forward to what she’s got.

Her blog post:
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and her blog:
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Sumi Das has a Blog!

Looks like her blog has been around for a little while, but at the same time her first and only entry addresses a very important issue, the Tsunamis in Asia in December. Looks like her site is poised to grow and change a bit, and she very well might keep blogging or turn the site into something of an online portfolio and resume. Check it out and bookmark it if you’re a fan; I’m sure she’ll update soon and we’ll all want to know what’s up with one of our favorite ex-TechTV personalities!

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