This week’s Weezy and The Swish features special guest, comedian Earl Skakel, sitting in with Laura, Weezy, and Matt sitting around and chatting about all manner of topic. Seriously, I’m impressed with how much they can fit into one show. In case we haven’t mentioned yet though, there’s a new in-page dedicated audio player, and the videos of the show are immediately posted to YouTube and then playable through the website! How cool is that? Because of that we won’t direct-link the mp3 anymore-you should head to the site and check these goodies out! This week’s show is about curling, dumpsters, other sports, and perhaps some vague relation between them all. Even if there isn’t, it’s still awesome. Click and enjoy!
Weezy and The Swish Episode 38 // February 27, 2006
[ episode notes and download links ]
One reply on “Weezy and The Swish // Episode 38”
No it’s OK to link to the audio links again, AudioBlog can handle it. ;o)
Just the old server was not up to it…
So totally go for it! :o)