The next Security Now! is up and looks like it has been for a while-you’ll have to excuse my lack of regular posts, collecting information on relief efforts for Hurricane Katrina has taken up a great deal of time! Regardless, even though we’re back to a regular schedule with regular information, please don’t forget about the victims of Hurricane Katrina-they still need our help, and we still have to lend a hand. Even as we’re beginning to get back to our normal lives, those of us who are able to, that is, we should still remember those who have no lives to get back to. Keep your hearts open.
Okay-back to point: in this week’s Security Now! Leo and Steve debate the effectiveness and the pros and cons of getting a NAT (network address translation) enabled router, and how a NAT router protects you, and what steps you should take to make sure that you’re actually getting protection from your NAT router, and additional steps your can take to protect yourself. Definitely a ton of good information for this week, head over and check it out:
Security Now! Episode 3 // September 1, 2005 – [ episode notes | download ]