This week on CrankyGeeks, John C and Sebastian Rupley get together to chat about the week’s hotted tech news and events, and there’s a lot to go around this week. Joining them are Dave Winer, Editor, Scripting News and Harry Fuller, Executive Editor, CNET
(as played by Jim Louderback, David Spark, Andrew Eisner, and Annaliza Savage). I copied that straight from the show description, but you’re going to have to watch to understand – I’m not giving THAT one away!
On the docket for this week are Flickr “censorship” and why it’s making the Germans angry, the Pentagon’s “gay bomb,” bluetooth watches and cellphones, zombies, and the breakup of a massive international pedophilia ring with the help of technology.
CrankyGeeks Episode 69 // June 20, 2007
[ episode notes and download links ]