This week on CrankyGeeks, John C Dvorak brings-wait…John C isn’t on the show this week! Oh noes! Well, Sebastian Rupley, West Coast Editor of PC Magazine is taking the reins this week, and here’s hoping he manages to be as cranky as John does. With him this week are Mark Anderson, CEO, Strategic News Service; Om Malik, Founder,; and Kevin Rose, Founder,, to talk tech and get cranky!
Among the topics of discussion this week are Apple’s “It’s Showtime!” events, including the upcoming iTV and movie downloads from the iTunes Store, the HP “pretexting” scandal, Digg fighting users for control over “Digg,” the fakeness of “Lonelygirl 15,” the longest sentance ever for a software pirate has been handed out, and much much more.
CrankyGeeks Episode 27 // September 15, 2006
[ episode notes and download links ]