Another week, another set of cranky geeks talking tech! John C. Dvorak brings Om Malik, GigaOM; Sebastian Rupley, West Coast Editor, PC Magazine; and Natali Del Conte, West Coast Correspondent, Ziff Davis to the table to dish the week’s tech news and contentious points, including cell phones, hackers, Microsoft’s so-called iPod killer, and more. Specifically, whether or not big brother is watching you and listening to your calls and reading your email, hackers breaking into computers at the State Department, the long arm of IPTV, Microsoft claims to be readying an iPod killer of its own, online music publishing, and will AOL ditch the internet access business altogether to focus on its web services? All this and more on this week’s Crankygeeks.
CrankyGeeks Episode 18 // July 13, 2006
[ episode notes and download links ]