update: Chris, of the Leoville Town Square Podcast fame, has updated us that on a recent LTS Podcast interview, he mentioned that Rogers is very close to getting Call for Help distributed on the net, possibly for a fee, which means that Call for Help fans could download their favorite episodes! He mentioned additionally that Rogers is very close to getting Call for Help on the air internationally, which could very well mean more exposure in other international venues and potentially back in the United States. Thanks for the inside tip, Chris!
During this week’s Inside the Net with Amber MacArthur, Leo mentioned a few things, including Amber’s new project called Torrent, which is a show on G4TechTV Canada where Amber wraps up some of the best clips from the world of vodcasting (video podcasting) in one show, and they even take podcast submissions for segment material!
If that’s not cool enough though, Leo mentioned in passing that while he wasn’t planning on providing more detail quite yet, he said something to the effect that we might soon be able to “see Call for Help all over the world,” which could mean that they’ve landed an agreement with a major network, or they’ve gotten the rights to go ahead and distribute the show over bittorrent or downloaded from the G4TechTV Canada website!
We’ll keep our eyes out and ears peeled for more information so you get it from TechTV Forever first! If our loyal TTVF readers hear anything or have any inside tips, let us know in the comments!
2 replies on “Call for Help Coming Back to the USA?”
Awesome Chris! Thanks for the tip, and the comment! I’ll update the front page with your information tomorrow!
Sounds like a good deal to me, I wouldn’t mind seeing CfH again, regardless of whether I have to download it or I could just pop on the TV.