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This Week In Tech [TWIT] // Episode 49a

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A mini TWIT pops up this week to get people introduced to one of my favorite political action committees. The fact is that geeks like you and I don’t really have much of a voice in government, while the voices of intellectual property owners, organizations like the RIAA and the MPAA, and other large interest groups can whisper and the legislature jumps in response. Get involved! In addition to one of our favorite groups, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, [ ] Leo introduces us this week to IPac [ ] , and talks with Ren Bucholz, one of IPac’s founders and board members, and Jake Fischer, Executive Director. Ipac’s website says the following:

IPac is a nonpartisan group dedicated to preserving individual freedom through balanced intellectual property policy.

We believe that technological innovation and individual creativity are vital to the future of this country. We believe that a prosperous and democratic society depends on freedom for all individuals to pursue scientific invention and artistic expression. Unfortunately, new intellectual property laws threaten to stifle these freedoms and restrict public participation in science, art, and political discourse.

Snag the most recent version from the mirror (linked below) and let us know what you think! Head on over to the ipac website and sign on to their statement of principles! Ipac, in case you might remember, is where the “your senator needs an iPod” campaign started; the folks that managed to get Ted Stevens of Alasaka, a known enemy of individual rights and freedoms (among other things) an iPod that he loved so much that he was astounded that the music industry was trying to make it illegal for him to use it! If iPac can change Stevens’ mind, think about what it can do with your help!

This Week In Tech [TWIT] Episode 49a // April 12, 2006
[ episode notes | download ]

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