Tips and Tricks

Keeping Your PC Healthy has an excellent piece today on keeping your computer in good working order. From physical maintenance to cleaning up your system’s software, purging startup files, and getting together something of a maintenance regimen for your system, you can keep your computer in tip top shape at all times and make sure it’s in excellent running order, and you see any problems coming over the horizon long before they actually turn into significant issues. Definitely the way to go.

The article is broken into a few sections to help make it a bit easier to navigate, and also in case you’re pretty sure you have a handle on one segment or another, but all in all it’s good to keep them all in mind, and at least check them out a bit-I found a couple of ideas I hadn’t thought of, but would be more than happy to impliment, like making sure to take as good care of your external peripherals as you do your system itself. Read all about it:

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