If you haven’t checked out Kevin Rose and Dan Huard’s new digs yet, called “Systm,” then you definitely need to. All that time and energy they put into getting the right camera equipment and prepping for it turned out well, and the two episodes available now are absolutely stunning. Kevin’s said several times he believes that IPTV is where it’s at, and the first two episodes of Systm are looking really sharp, well polished, and definitely fun to watch.
Download em via BitTorrent (no hosting these ones guys, they’re way too big. BitTorrent is definitely the way to go to get em), start up your favorite media player and full-screen those puppies. Definitely fun to watch, and educational too. Those two are awesome-someday I’ll be that cool.
Check out the two most recent episodes over at the Systm website and download them in whatever format you choose:
[ http://www.systm.org/ ]