TechNews Bytes

Apple vs. TigerDirect; Winner: Apple

Remember that nonsense drummed up around the release of MacOS 10.4 where the horrible technology distributer TigerDirect [ ] filed suit against Apple over the use of the word “Tiger?” Yeah, we thought it was ridiculous, too, which is why we’re only making mention of it now: I mean, if TigerDirect actually had a case, they would have filed suit months ago, when the codename was originally published and not have waited for the week of the OS release, this making their case obviously a PR stunt. If TigerDirect put as much money and effort into resolving their complaints with the Better Business Bureau and their disgruntled customers, or into fixing their horribly tarnished image as a hack, late-night-infomercial, sells cruddy PCs at exorbitant prices image as they do into publicity stunts like this, then maybe they’d get some actual business.

But don’t just take my word for it, I got the scoop from MacBlog:
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And AppleInsider has the whole story:
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