Tips and Tricks

Build Your Own Linux Home Theater PC

As part of their “Microsoft-Free Home” series, ExtremeTech put together a particularly interesting how-to on building your own Linux-based HTPC, complete with DVR capability. For the non acronym-savvy in the audience, what the really means is building a computer that you can use for home entertainment, movies, music, the works, based on Linux, and that has the same capabilities as your Tivo or ReplayTV. Sound hot? I thought so too-all for free, and all based on Linux. So if you were thinking about dabbling in Linux for one reason or another, this is probably a great project to get you started.

ExtremeTech also gives you buying advice on how to build said PC; but if you have one of your own, you should be just fine-but the really impressive part is how easy they make it all look. I have my own HTPC running Windows XP (nope, didn’t shell out for the fancy media center edition), but this is a seriously tempting project. Read all about it:

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