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Monday, March 14th, 2005
* Andy will teach us how to use a webcam with MSN Messenger.
* Amber shows how to send email money transfers.
* Our Guest instructs how to use Photoshop to create collages from your favourite images using layers and layer masks.
Tuesday, March 15th, 2005
* Andy reveals secret tips on how to super charge your Firefox web browser.
* Have you ever wanted to learn how to dance?
Amber teaches us how you can take dance lessons online.
* Our guest demonstrates the coolest music players on Linux.
Wednesday, March 16th, 2005
* Andy takes us through desktop search tools.
* Amber teaches how to make online video resume.
* Our Guest demonstrates how to connect kids from their hospital beds to their regular classrooms, and friends using video conferencing combined with robotics.
Thursday, March 17th, 2005
* Andy let us in HDTV primer.
* Amber has a workshop -The Bikers Den.
* Our guest explains how to create your own iPod-style ad.
Friday, March 18th, 2005
* Andy teaches how to rip an MP3 from an LP.
* Amber gives online tips for buying a car.
* Our guest let us in dates and time calculations using Excel.