Looks like Yoshi is on the move again; he still of course maintains his forums over at
[ http://www.yoshi.us/forums/ ]
but if you take a peek at the root directory:
[ http://www.yoshi.us/ ]
you’ll notice something different going on under the hood!
Yoshi’s modding the web this time, and finally getting around to building his own site, “Mod Times, Where Stock is Not an Option.” Looks good so far, and it looks like the real URL to the project will be:
[ http://www.modtimes.com/ ]
so make sure to bookmark it now.
From one of Yoshi’s posts in his forums:
” I talked with my developers this morning.
Looks like the full complete site will take about a month +/- a week. So look for Mid March. We do plan to roll some things out in stages. So you’ll prolly see some changes take place before the entire site is done.
In the meantime please send all content submissions directly to me. This includes pictures for them.
I need to have time to edit and format them.
If it gets submitted sooner, when the new sections are ready we can roll them out with content on them for you.”
Way to go Yoshi! We’re looking forward to the new site and the new digs! It’s about time the master of mods made his own web presence!